About the Ministry

RAM ensures the teaching of the biblical principles of the Kingdom of God, demonstrating the power of God on earth.

Jack Teaching

God Still Heals

RAM teaches, often through interpreters, and shows that God still heals.

Grace Teaching with Vladimir Interpreting

RAM partners with other ministries to reach as many remote areas as possible.

The Tuls and Matt Triggs

Our Vision

The Call of Remote Area Ministries - RAM - is to bring a demonstration of the Kingdom of God to each nation to which God calls us. This demonstration is accompanied by the planting of a Bible school of ministry called Kingdom Training Center (KTC) which teaches the principles of the Kingdom of God and releases its graduates to continue the cycle of demonstrating, teaching, and releasing in their own country. The Lord guides us to His chosen person who will serve as a director for the new KTC. We work with this person who will then receive the curriculum and will take the necessary steps to start the Center


The curriculum plan is available on a compact disk or flash drive as are the manuals. The core consists of 12 study manuals from Gill Ministries which have been translated into 27 languages. The directors choose the pace of study, the name of the KTC and the tuition, if any. After the classes are completed, a diploma is granted. Our desire is to visit these Centers periodically and communicate via email if possible.

The Bible is Our Source

The Bible is our Source. People get baptized in the Holy Spirit, just like the Book of Acts Chapter 2 describes in the Bible. Students get trained and then get ordained to carry the Word of God to their country or beyond.

Holy Spirit Baptism Ndele School of Gospel Ministry Ordination

An Expanded Vision

Because of the growing needs in America, we feel impressed to devote more time to making the gospel of the Kingdom readily available to our own nation. Consequently, we are focusing more in this area and have added several teachings to our current webpage under "Resources.”